Free Lesson for 9/14 πŸ“© Mark 8:27-38 Peter's confession of faith

This week we're teaching on Mark 8:27-38 Peter's confession of faith. Download these free lesson PDFs to share in your children's ministry.

PDF πŸ“© Sunday School Lesson Mark 8_27-38​

PDF πŸ“© preschool-lesson-Mark 8​​​

PDF πŸ“© Youth Ministry Lesson on Mark 831-38​

PDF πŸ“© Children's Sermon Mark 8​

See more Mark 8:27-38 Lesson on Sunday School Works!​

Search Mark 8:27-38 on Ministry To Children​

Bible Story Video

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Children's Sermon

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Craft Ideas

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Thanks again for serving God's kids and have a blessed week.

​Tony Kummer,
Editor at Sunday School Works!

​© 2024 Ministry To Children by Tony Kummer. All rights reserved. But you have full permission to freely re-share and adapt this content under [CC BY-SA 4.0]. This means giving source credit and sharing any derivative works in the same way. πŸ“– Freely ye have received, freely give.

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Sunday School Works!

Sunday School Works shares printable PDF Bible lessons for children's ministry and kids church. We offer fresh 30-minute Sunday School lessons every Tuesday. Our curriculum is tailored to captivate both elementary and preschool-aged children, ensuring that learning about the Word of God is both memorable and enjoyable.

Read more from Sunday School Works!

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